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There are many ways in which learners might need extra support. We pride ourselves on having an approachable, friendly, dedicated and very experienced team, comprised of specialist tutors, support coordinators and learning support assistants.

Tutor Support

All full-time students are appointed a personal tutor. They will form a close relationship with you, making sure you are matched with the most appropriate course, are motivated, supported and become an independent learner. 

Students can also contact our HE Team for guidance and support by emailing HE@btc.ac.uk.

Additional Learning Support

A dedicated team works across the University Centre to support and advise students with additional needs. Students with physical disabilities, specific learning difficulties, emotional difficulties, medical problems or mental health difficulties have access to a range of support mechanisms. Our aim is for all students with additional support needs to have equal access to the curriculum and to work towards meeting their full potential.

Students benefit from access to specialist resources which include:

We can offer:

Physical Access

We seek to ensure all our campuses are accessible to all students, staff and visitors. Corridors are wide and classes are generally timetabled within one building to minimise the need for travel. Most of our buildings have automatic doors and lifts and there are reserved drop-off and parking bays. Internal fire doors are held open magnetically and there are fire refuge areas for those who cannot manage staircases. The restaurants and cafés have flexible seating to allow for wheelchair users.


We have a chaplain who offers spiritual care, guidance, and support for people of any faith or none. They provide a multi-faith space for students to meditate, pray, or just be, and the chance to meet others of the same or different beliefs and values. The chaplains also lead on important calendar events such as Holocaust Memorial Day, Fair Trade Fortnight, Remembrance Day, and many more.